BSc (Hons) Inżynieria lądowa
Leeds, Wielka Brytania
3 Years
Język angielski
Pełny etat, Niepełny etat
Termin składania wniosków
16 Sep 2024
GBP 16 000 / per year *
W kampusie
* dla studentów zagranicznych | dla studentów z Wielkiej Brytanii: 9 250 GBP rocznie
Czym jest inżynieria lądowa?
Inżynieria lądowa odpowiada za funkcjonowanie naszych nowoczesnych miast. Inżynierowie projektują, konstruują, utrzymują, modernizują, odnawiają i naprawiają główne elementy infrastruktury wykorzystywane przez ludzi, jednocześnie chroniąc środowisko naturalne.
W ramach tego kursu:
- Uzyskaj kwalifikacje w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych, technologii, inżynierii i matematyki (STEM), dzięki czemu będziesz gotowy do podjęcia pracy w zawodzie inżyniera budownictwa.
- Studia na kierunku technicznym zapewnią ci praktyczne umiejętności, które pozwolą ci efektywnie pracować w wielu różnych środowiskach w przemyśle.
- Ucz się od zespołu nauczycieli z doświadczeniem w branży w szerokim zakresie przedmiotów, w tym inżynierii strukturalnej, inżynierii wodnej, inżynierii geotechnicznej i inżynierii autostrad.
- Weź udział w zajęciach praktycznych i badaniach laboratoryjnych z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania IT zgodnego ze standardami branżowymi.
- Uzyskaj wsparcie w rejestrowaniu początkowego rozwoju zawodowego w celu uzyskania członkostwa w instytucjach akredytujących, dowiedz się więcej w sekcji akredytacji poniżej.
- Zabezpiecz praktyki zawodowe w okresie letnim i zaplanuj opcjonalny płatny rok stażu w branży z pomocą swojego zespołu kursowego.
Akredytacja IEng (pełna)
Stopień ten jest akredytowany przez Wspólną Radę Moderatorów (JBM) składającą się z Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institute of Highway Engineers oraz Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation w imieniu Rady Inżynieryjnej jako w pełni spełniający podstawę edukacyjną dla inżyniera dyplomowanego (IEng). Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej JBM.
Praktyczne doświadczenie
Zespół prowadzący kurs pomoże ci w zapewnieniu praktyk zawodowych w okresie letnim i w trakcie roku sandwich, jeśli zdecydujesz się je odbyć. Staż lub rok sandwich zapewni ci doskonałą okazję do zdobycia praktycznego doświadczenia w miejscu pracy, co pomoże ci wyróżnić się podczas ubiegania się o pracę po ukończeniu studiów.
Profesjonalne wskazówki
Sesje rozwoju osobistego pomogą ci poszerzyć wiedzę branżową. Sesje są zazwyczaj prowadzone przez wiodących profesjonalistów z branży i pomogą ci wybrać obszar inżynierii lądowej, do którego chcesz wejść po ukończeniu studiów. Mamy również bliskie powiązania z Institution of Civil Engineers.
Wytyczne branżowe
Instytucja akredytująca Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) powstała ponad 200 lat temu i jest jednym z najbardziej szanowanych na świecie stowarzyszeń zawodowych inżynierów. Odwiedź stronę internetową ICE, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o ekscytujących możliwościach, jakie może przynieść kariera w inżynierii lądowej. Możesz również dowiedzieć się, czym jest inżynieria lądowa i dlaczego warto zostać inżynierem.
Dlaczego warto studiować inżynierię lądową na Leeds Beckett University?
- Fantastyczne staże i możliwości roku na kanapki
- Specjalistyczne udogodnienia zgodne ze standardami branżowymi i lokalne/regionalne wizyty w terenie
- Kontakt z profesjonalistami - dzięki wykładom gościnnym i doświadczonemu zespołowi ekspertów.
- 93,8% absolwentów pracuje lub kontynuuje naukę 15 miesięcy po ukończeniu studiów*
*Procent respondentów z tego kursu, HESA Graduate Outcomes 20-21
- Pełny etat: 3 lata
- W niepełnym wymiarze godzin: 6 lat
Stypendia i Finansowanie
There are ways you may be able to fund your course. Sometimes it is possible to get sponsorship from a government body in your country. There are many different options, so have a look through the links carefully to see if they apply to you.
- International Scholarships
- Chevening Scholarships
- US / Canada Direct Loans
Teaching & Learning
Independent study is a crucial part of learning at university and you will be required to undertake many hours of self-directed research and reading, and preparation and writing of assessments. Your course is delivered through several modules, which will help you to plan your time and establish a study routine. Outside of your lectures, workshops and tutorials, a range of support is available to assist with your independent study. Our subject-specific librarians will be on hand to direct you to specialist learning and study-skill resources. You’ll also be assigned an academic advisor to give you tailored feedback and support.
Year 1
What you'll learn
Surveying A & Computer-Aided Design (full-time only)
Study the industry techniques used to collect, manipulate and display geospatial digital data. This module will introduce and explain the methods used to convert graphical and coordinate data into the linear and circular measures required for setting out on-site. You'll also develop skills in the production of plans and drawings using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) packages.
Site Surveying & Computer-Aided Design (part-time only)
Study the industry techniques used to collect, manipulate and display geospatial digital data. This module will introduce and explain the methods used to convert graphical and coordinate data into the linear and circular measures required for setting out on-site. You'll also develop skills in the production of plans and drawings using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) packages.
Civil Engineering Management A
Develop your knowledge of civil engineering procedures in the professional and legal working environment. This module will introduce the structure of and roles within the civil engineering profession. You'll identify those involved in civil engineering contracts and their roles and responsibilities both within the contract and in UK Law. You'll be able to demonstrate awareness of health and safety requirements in the delivery of civil engineering projects and the professional responsibilities of the civil engineer about health safety and welfare. This module will enable you to understand how the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM) is applied and apply CESMM to basic civil engineering work items.
Civil Engineering Mathematics
Develop the mathematical understanding needed to explore technical civil engineering topics. You'll learn how to apply a range of mathematical techniques to solve technical civil engineering problems. On completion, you'll be able to manipulate and solve various types of linear and non-linear equations, understand and apply the principles of differential and integral calculus, and use data production and statistical methods to solve construction-related problems.
Engineering Materials Science
Enhance your understanding of the properties of materials in both the design and construction phases of any civil engineering project. You'll study the properties of a range of civil engineering materials including material properties, metals, cement, concrete, mortars, masonry, bricks, timber, inorganic glass, engineering soils – classification and properties, sealants & adhesives.
Engineering Mechanics
This module will introduce you to the behaviour of structures. We'll discuss units, forces, moments, stresses, tension, compression, shear, bending and their application to the analysis of structures. In addition, we'll explore pin jointed frames analysis, determination of bending stresses from general bending equations and loading calculations. You'll learn using simple models to illustrate structural effects, discuss case studies, and examine real structures and analyse their structural behaviour. The module will be delivered through lectures, seminars/tutorials and laboratory sessions.
Civil Engineering Project (full-time only)
Start to plan for your professional development and lifelong learning. This practical module will enable you to put theory into practice and develop skills in the evaluation and resolution of realistic practical problems. You'll practise working as part of a team as you apply the knowledge, understanding and skills you gained in other modules, and where possible experiences from work, to a major piece of work. You'll work as part of a small group to practise co-ordinating your team's skills and abilities.
Civil Engineering Technology Project (part-time only)
Start to plan for your professional development and lifelong learning. This practical module will enable you to put theory into practice and develop skills in the evaluation and resolution of realistic practical problems. You'll practise working as part of a team as you apply the knowledge, understanding and skills you gained in other modules, and where possible experiences from work, to a major piece of work. You'll work as part of a small group to practise co-ordinating your team's skills and abilities.
Year 2
What you'll learn
Highway Engineering A
This module will provide a basic understanding of the wide range of factors affecting highway and traffic engineering and fundamental highway engineering. You'll understand highway scheme development and traffic-highway characteristics and relationships. You'll design horizontal and vertical alignments, junctions and highway infrastructure which comply with relevant design standards. This module will enable you to identify the factors which affect pavement thickness design, select appropriate materials and design flexible and rigid pavements using current empirical and analytical design procedures. You'll also design basic highway drainage and earthworks.
Geotechnical Engineering A
Explore structural geology and the classification and identification of minerals and rocks for engineering purposes. This module will develop your understanding of soil mechanics principles for permeability and shear strength, and of shallow and pile foundation design and settlement calculations.
Structural Design
Build on the knowledge of forces, moments and stresses you developed in the Engineering Mechanics module and your understanding of the properties of materials from the Materials Science module. You'll study the design of structural elements in reinforced concrete, masonry, timber and steel. We'll cover the factors which influence the suitability of materials within construction and the interrelationship between design and construction. You'll understand different approaches to structural design and will develop an awareness of the design process and current codes of practice applied to an array of basic structural elements in a range of materials.
Civil Engineering Management B
Build your understanding of the commercial and contractual procedures involved in delivering civil engineering projects, such as preparing detailed risk assessments and recognising different contract types. You'll understand the professional role and responsibilities of civil engineering and allied professions, and recognise the range and application of contract types. We'll explore how to apply contract-based processes especially related to payment and prepare detailed risk assessments and method statements for a range of civil engineering activities. You'll plan, monitor and control a complex project.
Engineering Materials Technology
This module will build the basic knowledge of construction materials you gained in the Engineering Materials Science module. We'll cover topics including properties of materials and their use and deterioration in service. This module will have a particular emphasis on concrete including its design, use onsite and the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures. We'll examine mechanisms of corrosion and prevention of corrosion and physical metallurgy and polymers and their application in civil engineering.
Civil Engineering Design Project
Develop and consolidate your learning from modules in your first and second years through a multidisciplinary design activity. You'll gain an appreciation of the infrastructural and structural aspects of a civil engineering project. You'll also consider the management, planning, health and safety, sustainability and resource implications.
Civil Engineering Design Project - Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
This module will provide an opportunity for you to become involved with The Engineering for People Design Challenge. The Challenge is an award-winning initiative delivered by Engineers Without Borders UK. The Challenge will allow you to learn and practice the ethical, environmental, social and cultural aspects of engineering design.
Structural Analysis
Combined with design, the analysis of structural elements and systems is one of the main themes of your courses. This module will consolidate and extend your understanding of the concepts of structural mechanics and their application to the analysis of a variety of statically determinate structures. You'll develop an understanding of the load-displacement behaviour of a range of basic structural configurations. You'll also gain an appreciation of the relationship between structural analysis and the design of basic structural elements and systems.
Quantitative Methods for Decision-Making
Build on the fundamental mathematical and management skills you developed in your first and second years of study. This module will focus on mathematical methods that support decision-making in a civil engineering context. You'll use statistical analysis, operational research, financial appraisal, and traditional mathematical techniques to examine engineering scenarios. Overall, you'll learn to justify management decisions based on logic, quantitative modelling, and objective analysis. You'll learn through a series of lectures and supporting workshops, tutorials, and IT sessions.
Hydraulics & Water Engineering
You'll need an understanding of the behaviour of fluids to solve many civil engineering problems. This module will introduce you to the fundamental principles of fluid flow. You'll understand how to use these principles to analyse and solve basic civil engineering problems involving pipe flow and open channel flow systems. We'll also cover the fundamental principles and issues associated with the ‘water industry’.
Civil Engineering Major Project
This module will enable you to use the skills you developed throughout your course to produce an individual major piece of work to a strict time scale. Your project will be a clearly defined brief based on a simulated industrial scenario. You'll need to demonstrate sound judgment from an engineering and management perspective. Your work could support you when demonstrating your employability to employers.
Year 3
What you'll learn
Structural Engineering
Further, develop your understanding of the principles and applications of structural analysis and design. This module will consider indeterminate structural forms with particular emphasis on limit state concepts and related design applications. You'll study both stiffness and flexibility methods of analysis and you'll use industry-standard software to complement 'manual’ analysis computations. This module will enable you to study analytical methods and related design principles in an integrated manner. You'll use industry-standard case studies to produce code-compliant structural solutions to a professional standard.
Highway Engineering B
Further insight into the factors which affect highway and traffic engineering, developing your expertise in specialist areas of highway design, construction and maintenance. You'll develop an understanding of highway material properties in-service and associated site and laboratory testing. You'll also practise designing complex horizontal and vertical alignments, including junction layouts, which comply with relevant industrial design standards. We'll encourage you to undertake a range of pavement thickness designs. You'll understand and learn how to apply the principles of highway maintenance and management. The module will develop your knowledge of highway construction issues including weak ground, contamination, environment and sustainability.
Geotechnical Engineering B
We'll develop your appreciation of site investigation techniques, particularly relating to the interpretation of geotechnical data. You'll look at design applications related to water flow, effective stress parameters, slope stability, foundation-bearing capacity and retaining walls. We'll also explore both hand calculations and computer methods. This module will enable you to practise applying site investigation techniques and interpreting geotechnical data to write geotechnical reports. You'll also explore how water plays a major role in influencing geotechnical design, i.e. the consideration of effective stress parameters and the use of seepage analysis. You'll undertake basic design calculations for foundations, slopes and retaining structures and use computer software programs to support communication and design calculation.
Infrastructure Asset Management
Explore infrastructure asset management, which is the ongoing maintenance, repair and upgrading of civil engineering infrastructure through the whole life cycle. This module will introduce terminology and systems used in asset management decision-making. You'll use industrial case studies to apply your learning and gain a comprehensive understanding of the terminology and systems used in asset management. We'll practise interpreting and critically appraising a range of operational research techniques using manual and digital technologies. You'll also understand how to apply optimum decision-making strategies when considering how asset management can support financial, environmental and social sustainability. You'll also design and critically evaluate an asset management system for a civil engineering specialism, for example, highways, water or rail, etc., in line with current industrial practice.
Civil Engineering Dissertation
Research and write an in-depth study on an area of civil engineering. You could use laboratory-based study, field data gathering and analysis, development and testing of computer tools for civil engineering problem analysis or in-depth design analysis. Your project will be technically based and you'll strengthen your self-direction, decision making and understanding of civil engineering. You'll present your research in a traditional dissertation format.
This course offers the opportunity to take a ‘sandwich’ year.
A year of paid employment in ithe ndustry will build your skills and experience. This is usually taken between the second and third year of your degree, typically making your course four years in total. Students who choose the sandwich route find it helps with both their studies and getting a job after graduation. It can build your confidence, contacts, and of course your CV. Leeds Beckett advertises lots of placement opportunities and provides support in helping you find the right placement for you.
Opłata za program
Możliwości związane z karierą
Inżynieria lądowa to satysfakcjonujący, kreatywny i ekscytujący zawód, a inżynierowie budownictwa cieszą się dużym zainteresowaniem. Inżynierowie pochodzą z różnych środowisk i coraz częściej pracują nad różnorodnymi projektami na całym świecie. Elastyczny program modułów podstawowych i opcjonalnych na tym kursie obejmuje główne dyscypliny inżynierii lądowej, które umożliwią Ci ubieganie się o role w projektowaniu, budowie lub zarządzaniu projektami. Będziesz także rozwijać szereg umiejętności poprzez aplikacje informatyczne, badania laboratoryjne, ćwiczenia ankietowe i prace projektowe, które pomogą zwiększyć Twoje szanse na zatrudnienie.
Oferujemy idealną możliwość dalszego studiowania na naszym magisterskim inżynierii lądowej. Nasze kursy podyplomowe to świetny sposób na udoskonalenie już nabytych umiejętności, skorzystanie z naszych powiązań z branżą i zdobycie CV, które przyciągnie wzrok pracodawców.