BSc (z wyróżnieniem) Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi i biznes
Leeds, Wielka Brytania
3 Years
Język angielski
Pełny etat, Niepełny etat
Termin składania wniosków
16 Sep 2024
GBP 16 000 / per year *
W kampusie
* dla studentów zagranicznych | dla studentów z Wielkiej Brytanii: 9 250 GBP rocznie
Studiuj akredytowany i wszechstronny dyplom biznesowy z dodatkową zaletą zdobycia specjalistycznej wiedzy z zakresu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi (ZZL).
W ramach kursu:
- Zbuduj zestaw umiejętności, który będzie wyróżniał się z tłumu poprzez praktykowanie innowacyjnego, akademicko rygorystycznego i zawodowego podejścia do biznesu.
- Skorzystaj z naszych powiązań z pracodawcami, które wzbogacą Twoje doświadczenie dzięki gościnnym wykładom i możliwościom stażu
- Zdobądź cenne doświadczenie branżowe i pokaż pracodawcom, że jesteś absolwentem gotowym do pracy, korzystając z sieci i możliwości pozalekcyjnych.
Zwiększ swój profil
Nasz kurs BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management pozwoli ci uzyskać członkostwo stowarzyszone Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Ta profesjonalna kwalifikacja pomoże ci podnieść swój profil i zademonstrować, że posiadasz umiejętności pracy z ludźmi, które przydadzą ci się w dzisiejszym świecie biznesu. Ponadto będziesz mieć bezpośredni dostęp do dwóch naszych podyplomowych kursów biznesowych - MSc Human Resource Management (CIPD) i MSc Corporate Governance (Chartered Secretaries/Governance Professional).
Praktyczne doświadczenie
Jeśli podejmiesz płatną praktykę zawodową na trzecim roku, rozwiniesz i poprawisz swoje umiejętności związane z zatrudnieniem. Poprzedni studenci odbyli staże w takich firmach, jak BP, Panasonic, GE Capital i Bentley Motors.
Informacje branżowe
Nasza seria wykładów gościnnych pomoże Ci w rozwoju. Wśród poprzednich prelegentów znaleźli się dyrektor generalny London Stock Exchange, dyrektor generalny British Bankers Association i główny ekonomista Yorkshire Bank. Aby wyświetlić i zarejestrować się na nadchodzące wykłady gościnne, odwiedź naszą stronę internetową z wydarzeniami uniwersyteckimi
Dlaczego warto studiować zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi i biznes na Leeds Beckett University?
- 100% studentów kierunku BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management & Business pozytywnie oceniło sposób, w jaki nauczyciele wyjaśniają zagadnienia.
- Jesteśmy akredytowanym dostawcą programów Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) - po ukończeniu tego kursu możesz zostać członkiem stowarzyszonym CIPD i używać oznaczenia Assoc CIPD.
- Podejmij staż w sercu Leeds, północnej potęgi biznesu i gospodarki regionu
- Ciesz się gościnnymi wykładami liderów branży w ramach serii wykładów gościnnych Leeds Business School
- 100% absolwentów pracuje lub kontynuuje naukę 15 miesięcy po ukończeniu studiów*
*National Student Survey 2023
**Odsetek respondentów z tego kursu, HESA Graduate Outcomes 20-21
- Pełny etat: 3 lata
- W niepełnym wymiarze godzin: 6 lat
Stypendia i Finansowanie
There are ways you may be able to fund your course. Sometimes it is possible to get sponsorship from a government body in your country. There are many different options, so have a look through the links carefully to see if they apply to you.
- International Scholarships
- Chevening Scholarships
- US / Canada Direct Loans
Teaching & Learning
Independent study is a crucial part of learning at university and you will be required to undertake many hours of self-directed research and reading, and preparation and writing of assessments. Your course is delivered through several modules, which will help you to plan your time and establish a study routine. Outside of your lectures, workshops and tutorials, a range of support is available to assist with your independent study. Our subject-specific librarians will be on hand to direct you to specialist learning and study-skill resources. You’ll also be assigned an academic advisor to give you tailored feedback and support.
Year 1
What you'll learn
Academic & Critical Thinking Skills
Focus on enhancing academic scholarship, critical thinking, professionalism, career skills, and research abilities.
Fundamentals of HRM
Study the evolution, purpose, and various activities within human resources (HR) management. Explore methods for achieving HR objectives, managing employment relationships, and demonstrating the organizational value of HR departments.
Marketing & Employer Branding for HRM
Understand the role of marketing in HRM, including key marketing principles and how they are applied in organizational contexts. Address challenges related to organizational branding as an employer.
Managing Organisations & People
Explore motivation, management, leadership, and teamwork within organizational contexts. Analyze these topics considering cultural, political, and global factors, emphasizing intercultural competence.
Accounting & Finance for HRM
Examine the role of financial information in HRM, covering topics such as business financing, budgeting, capital investment decisions, and the use of financial reports for HRM decision-making processes.
Global Economics for HR Managers
Develop a foundational understanding of macroeconomic principles and policies relevant to HR management. Explore how economic decisions impact organizational strategies and HR practices on a global scale.
These modules collectively provide a comprehensive foundation in HRM, incorporating critical skills such as academic rigour, strategic thinking, financial literacy, and global economic awareness essential for effective HR professionals.
Year 2
What you'll learn
Professional Skills
Further develop academic scholarship, critical thinking, professionalism, career skills, and research capabilities. This module builds on foundational skills developed in earlier academic and critical thinking modules.
Data Analytics for HRM
Gain insights into utilizing people-related data within organizations. Learn to identify, collect, store, analyze, and evaluate relevant data to support evidence-based decision-making in HR contexts, using case studies as practical examples.
Managerial Decision Making
Explore the complexities of managerial decision-making processes, including the balance between ethical considerations and cost-effectiveness. Analyze the role of cognition, perception, motivation, and negotiation skills in effective decision-making within organizations.
Learning & Development in Organisations
Examine the role of learning and development initiatives in enhancing organizational effectiveness. Gain knowledge in identifying training needs, designing, delivering, and evaluating learning programs, including methods such as coaching, mentoring, and e-learning.
People Resourcing & Talent Planning
Explore strategic approaches to establish organizations as employers of choice in the labour market. Study operational practices such as recruitment, selection, workforce planning, staff retention, succession planning, and management of retirement and dismissal processes to effectively meet organizational skills requirements.
Employment Law for Managers
Examine the legal aspects of employment relations and the management of employees within organizational contexts. Develop an understanding of complex employment laws and regulations, their application, and their impact on the employer-employee relationship, considering social, economic, political, historical, philosophical, moral, and cultural dimensions.
These modules collectively provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and managing human resources within organizations, incorporating skills in data analytics, decision-making, learning and development, talent planning, and employment law essential for effective HR management.
Research Skills
Focuses on advancing academic scholarship and critical thinking skills specifically tailored for research within HR contexts. Develops skills in understanding, validating, evaluating research findings, and applying conclusions in organizational settings.
Contemporary Issues in HRM & Ethics
Explores current trends and developments in the business environment affecting HR practices. Emphasizes practical and implementable organizational and HR solutions. Examines the role of HR in business ethics, strategy formulation, and implementation.
Strategic HRM for Leaders
Provides a critical understanding of strategic and operational requirements for effective HR management. Analyzes the impact of leadership and ethical behaviour on supporting staff in dynamic environments. Evaluates the nature of employment relationships and HR management practices with a focus on leadership strategies.
Employee Relations & Engagement
Examines theories and practices of employment relations and engagement within and beyond organizational contexts. Develops skills to make informed judgments on existing and emerging models, processes, and practices related to employee relations and engagement.
These modules collectively enhance skills in research, strategic HRM, ethics, employee relations, and engagement, preparing students to navigate complex HR challenges and contribute effectively to organizational success.
Year 3
What you'll learn
Reward Management
Focuses on the theory and practical application of reward management within the context of HRM and corporate strategy. Students explore various solutions to reward issues, aiming to align organizational goals with employee motivation and performance.
Cross-Cultural Management & Diversity
Develops critical awareness and understanding of managing cross-cultural issues, diversity, and inclusion in both domestic and global business environments. Emphasizes strategies for fostering inclusive workplaces and leveraging diversity as a strategic advantage.
Leadership, Strategy & Change
Examines processes of leadership, strategizing, and organizational change, exploring their interlinkages and implications. Students engage with current research and theories in leadership and change management, enhancing emotional and ethical awareness in leadership roles.
Corruption in Business
Investigates the complexities of financial crimes, including tax havens, and their impact on the global economy. Explores the opaque nature of financial corruption and its ramifications across international business environments.
Global Responsibility & Sustainability
Analyzes corporate responsibility and sustainability as global phenomena, considering their political, economic, and societal dimensions. Explores strategies for integrating sustainability into business practices and navigating global corporate responsibilities.
Machine Learning & AI for Efficient Management
Introduces concepts, theories, and models of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) within the context of management professions such as accountancy, HRM, and public relations. Explores applications of AI and machine learning in optimizing organizational efficiency and decision-making processes.
Work Placement
Provides students with the opportunity to apply for and undertake a period of paid employment in industry. This placement aims to develop practical skills, build professional networks, and enhance career readiness through real-world experience.
These modules collectively prepare students to navigate complex organizational challenges, apply advanced management strategies, and contribute effectively to sustainable and inclusive business practices.
Opłata za program
Możliwości związane z karierą
Ukończysz studia z dogłębną wiedzą na temat ludzkiej dynamiki organizacji, przygotowując Cię do kariery w zarządzaniu ogólnym lub HRM. Nasi absolwenci mogą odnieść sukces w karierze zawodowej w samorządzie, biznesie i sektorze wolontariatu. Będziemy pielęgnować Twoje umiejętności w zakresie przedsiębiorczości, a Ty możesz zdecydować się na założenie własnej firmy konsultingowej w zakresie HR lub szkoleń. Kurs ten posiada akredytację CIPD do uzyskania dyplomu Intermediate in HRM. Aby uzyskać tę akredytację, należy zaliczyć wszystkie odpowiednie moduły.
- Employee relations officer
- Employee development assistant
- Recruitment Consultant
- Human resources consultant