BA (z wyróżnieniem) Business Studies
Leeds, Wielka Brytania
3 up to 6 Years
Język angielski
Pełny etat, Niepełny etat
Termin składania wniosków
15 Sep 2025
GBP 16 000 / per year *
W kampusie
* dla studentów zagranicznych | dla studentów z Wielkiej Brytanii: 9 250 GBP rocznie
Pielęgnuj swoją wiedzę biznesową i wyposaż się w praktyczne umiejętności, których poszukują pracodawcy.
W ramach kursu:
- Opracuj wszechstronny zestaw umiejętności biznesowych, a dowiesz się o kluczowych funkcjach biznesowych
- Udoskonal swoją wiedzę specjalistyczną w wielu z tych kluczowych obszarów, aby dopasować ją do swoich zainteresowań i aspiracji zawodowych za pomocą modułów opcjonalnych.
- Możliwość odbycia stażu, dzięki któremu zdobędziesz cenne doświadczenie zawodowe w branży i zyskasz przewagę w konkurencyjnym świecie biznesu.
Jeśli podejmiesz płatną praktykę zawodową na trzecim roku, rozwiniesz i poprawisz swoje umiejętności związane z zatrudnieniem. Nasi studenci korzystali z praktyk u takich pracodawców, jak Redmayne-Bentley, De Puy i Morrisons.
Udział w konkursach biznesowych, takich jak Aviva Challenge i IBM Universities Business Challenge, krajowej symulacji biznesowej konkurującej z innymi uniwersytetami, wzbogaci twoją naukę i rozwinie umiejętności pracy zespołowej.
Nasza seria wykładów gościnnych pomoże Ci w rozwoju. Wśród poprzednich prelegentów znaleźli się dyrektor generalny London Stock Exchange, dyrektor generalny British Bankers Association i główny ekonomista Yorkshire Bank. Aby zobaczyć i zarejestrować się na nadchodzące wykłady gościnne, odwiedź naszą stronę internetową z wydarzeniami uniwersyteckimi.
Dlaczego warto studiować Business Studies na Leeds Beckett University?
- 94,1% absolwentów pracuje lub kontynuuje naukę 15 miesięcy po ukończeniu studiów*
- 93% studentów studiów licencjackich (z wyróżnieniem) na kierunku Business Studies pozytywnie oceniło sposób, w jaki wykładowcy wyjaśniają zagadnienia**.
- Rozwijanie całościowego spojrzenia i wszechstronnych umiejętności biznesowych
- Opcja umieszczenia
- Wyposaż się w praktyczne umiejętności, których poszukują pracodawcy
*Procent respondentów z tego kursu, HESA Graduate Outcomes 20-21
**National Student Survey 2023
- Pełny etat: 3 lata
- W niepełnym wymiarze godzin: 6 lat
Stypendia i Finansowanie
There are ways you may be able to fund your course. Sometimes it is possible to get sponsorship from a government body in your country. There are many different options, so have a look through the links carefully to see if they apply to you.
- International Scholarships
- Chevening Scholarships
- US / Canada Direct Loans
Teaching & Learning
Independent study is a crucial part of learning at university and you will be required to undertake many hours of self-directed research and reading, and preparation and writing of assessments. Your course is delivered through several modules, which will help you to plan your time and establish a study routine. Outside of your lectures, workshops and tutorials, a range of support is available to assist with your independent study. Our subject-specific librarians will be on hand to direct you to specialist learning and study-skill resources. You’ll also be assigned an academic advisor to give you tailored feedback and support.
Year 1
What you'll learn
Data Decisions & Understanding AI
The bond and evolution of data, analytics, and commercial applications have rapidly changed how businesses operate. This includes the way they make money, sell services and products, measure success, invest in sustainable people and business practices and the ethical impact decisions have on society. This module will introduce you to the technical terminology needed to understand and confidently explore business data, analytics, and tools. You'll explore the wider context of business information, data types and characteristics, the role of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and the impact on individuals and society. You'll also understand how to use digital tools practically to produce an accurate narrative of findings.
Global Business Environment
Gain an awareness of the economic environment that modern businesses operate in. This module will give you an understanding of the principle economic perspectives and theories relating to the operation of the global economy. You'll study important worldwide macroeconomic issues as you investigate key global markets, economies, and challenges.
Managing Organisations & People
Learn about the people side of business. This module is structured into four main themes: motivation, management, leadership and teams. You will look at these within the context of culture, political environment, global working and intercultural competence.
Business Venture Creation
Work as part of a group to plan a new entrepreneurial venture. You will analyse other entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ventures by discussing cases and listening to video presentations, such as TED Talks. Within your group, you will evaluate the viability of a business concept, focusing particularly on using primary and/or secondary research your group has conducted regarding market demand. The supervision process during tutorials will provide feedback on the groups' business ideas and planning.
Accounting & Finance for Managers
Examine how managers can understand and use different financial information. You will consider how shareholders can use financial statements as a means of evaluating a firm's performance.
Understanding Markets & Customers
Become familiar with key marketing principles and appreciate how contemporary marketing concepts are used by organisations. You will gain an insight into marketing challenges and the consequences for organisations that fail to become customer-orientated.
Year 2
What you'll learn
Operations & Supply Chain Management
Examine complex businesses and organisations to determine how their operations and supply chain produce competitive advantage and improve performance. You will use a range of real-life scenarios along with qualitative and quantitative data to understand, apply and analyse concepts and principles from the field.
Responsible Management
Study the key concepts necessary for practising responsible management in business. You will use a range of authentic scenarios to practise making decisions and to learn through the context, values and critical reflection of your practice. You will apply your learning to key areas of the business environment.
Management of Human Resources
Gain HR skills relevant to anybody working in a role with line management responsibility through a range of hands-on individual and group activities.
Managing a Small & Sustainable Business
Build creative solutions to the sustainability challenges facing contemporary new business enterprises. You'll work collaboratively to develop a proposed ethical small business venture. This could be articulated through several contexts, for example, a product or service, process, paradigm, position or business. You'll then attempt to raise crowdfunding finance by presenting your proposal to an ethical investment bank.
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Examine and evaluate the role of marketing within an entrepreneurial setting and its contribution to the achievement of business goals together with the development and implementation of entrepreneurial marketing actions.
Corporate Finance & Law
Develop an understanding of key aspects of corporate finance and investigate the legal and governance framework within which businesses operate.
Demonstrate a full range of skills, knowledge, and competencies developed over three years of study. Choose and explore a field of study that has particularly engaged your interest.
Business Start-up Incubator
Apply academic knowledge and professional experience by creating and managing a new business, individually or as part of a team. Collaborate with professional mentors and investors to add real-life value to your CV.
Reward Management
Study the theory and application of reward management. Explore and evaluate various solutions to reward issues within the broader contexts of HRM and corporate strategy.
Contemporary Brand Management
Understand branding, consumer relationships with brands, and the brand management process in a dynamic, highly competitive, and global operating environment.
Entrepreneurship in a Challenging Global Economy
Explore the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship in the context of a complex global economy.
Corruption in Business
Uncover the workings of tax havens and their disruptive impact on the global economy. Investigate financial crimes and their implications.
Work Placement
Undertake a period of paid employment to develop business contacts and gain an understanding of the job market, enhancing your skills and CV.
Strategic Human Resource Management for Leaders
Evaluate the role of leadership in implementing strategic human resource management practices. Consider its impact on managed individuals and organisational outcomes.
Global Marketing
Gain a theoretical understanding of global and international marketing concepts and apply them practically through case studies and exercises featuring live companies and current developments.
Procurement & Supplier Management
Focus on supplier development in procurement. Identify key factors impacting procurement, explore theoretical models of supplier relationship management, and plan for supplier development activities to enhance supply network competitiveness.
Global Responsibility & Sustainability
Explore corporate responsibility and sustainability as global phenomena and societal discourses in political and economic contexts.
Sandwich Year (Optional)
Take a year of paid employment in the industry between the second and third year of your degree. Build skills, experience, confidence, and contacts while enhancing your CV.
Year 3
What you'll learn
Consultancy Project
Apply your learning to a strategic organisational issue of your choice. You will develop and manage a client-consultant relationship, and work in a group supported by a member of staff to deliver outcomes for the client using the relevant academic knowledge, skills, and critical thinking.
Project Management
Gain insights into effective project management practices. Learn to plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively to achieve desired outcomes within scope, time, and budget constraints.
Business Strategy
Gain a critical understanding of organisations as a whole. Develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding to critically contribute to the strategies of any organisation by working with complex real-life business problems.
Leading Innovation & Change
Study a range of key contemporary issues related to the significance of innovation, the implications for organisational structure and processes, leadership, strategic management, and change management. This module will build on and extend your understanding of strategic management issues.
Opłata za program
Możliwości związane z karierą
Podstawą Twojego stopnia naukowego będzie możliwość zatrudnienia. Wesprzemy Cię w zaplanowaniu Twojego rozwoju osobistego, aby przygotować Cię do wejścia na rynek pracy i kroków, które musisz podjąć, jeśli chcesz założyć swoje przedsięwzięcie. Nasi absolwenci zrobili satysfakcjonujące kariery menedżerskie w różnych sektorach, w tym w biznesie, HR, marketingu i księgowości, zarówno w Wielkiej Brytanii, jak i za granicą.
- Entrepreneur
- Business Consultant
- Administration manager
- Research Analyst