112 programs in Saint Charles
- Licencjat
- Licencjat w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych (BSc)
- Licencjat
- Licencjat z zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem (BBA)
- Stany Zjednoczone
- Saint Charles
112 programs in Saint Charles
Lindenwood University
Theatre (BFA) with Design and Technical Theatre Emphasis
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
A play isn’t complete without sets and lights. If you are interested in the technical aspects of theatre, the Theatre (BFA) with Design and Technical Theatre Emphasis may be for you. This program is structured to prepare you to work in professional theatre. You will develop technical skills and artistic vision through a series of coursework and practical application geared toward your specific interests and needs.
Lindenwood University
Theatre (BFA) with Acting Emphasis
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
To earn the BFA in Theatre with an emphasis in Acting, students must complete the BFA Theatre core curriculum (36 credits) as well as satisfy the following requirements. This emphasis requires a total of 60 credit hours, as well as, a minimum C in the necessary courses.
Lindenwood University
Theatre (BA, BFA)
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
Lindenwood’s Theatre program is designed to fully prepare you for a life in the performing arts. Our facilities are second to none, ranging from a Broadway-style 1,200-seat auditorium to a versatile and intimate black box theater. Lindenwood University’s Theatre Program has earned 9 Certificates of Meritorious Achievement from Region 5 of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) since Spring 2021! We offer both BA and BFA degrees.
Lindenwood University
Sport Management (BA)
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
Nauka na odległość, W kampusie
Język angielski
Graduates with a sport management degree are prepared for a career in any sector of the sport industry, including sales of sport and sport-related products, event management, facility management, intercollegiate athletics, youth and high school sports, professional sport, and sport marketing.
Lindenwood University
Sociology (BA)
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
Sociology is the scientific investigation of the social world that provides students with a deeper understanding of themselves, social problems, and social institutions. Most importantly, sociology equips students with the skills necessary to engage in social science research and elicit social change.
Lindenwood University
Secondary Education Certification (BA) (Grades 9-12)
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
In Missouri, secondary certification is defined as grades 9-12. Secondary certification is specific to a content area. While all secondary majors take education courses, you must also complete courses for the specific subject area you intend to teach.
Lindenwood University
Public Health (BS) with Community and Population Health Emphasis
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Licencjat w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych (BSc)
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
The Community and Population Health Emphasis is designed for students majoring in public health who are preparing for careers in health promotion and disease prevention in health departments and community agencies.
Lindenwood University
Public Health (BS) with Cell Science and Biology Emphasis
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Licencjat w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych (BSc)
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
The Cell Science and Biology Emphasis is designed for students majoring in public health who plan to apply to advanced degree programs upon completion of their Bachelor of Science degree. This program is designed specifically for students preparing to enter medical, dental or veterinary medical schools.
Lindenwood University
Pre-Engineering (BS)
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Licencjat w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych (BSc)
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
Lindenwood University offers programs in pre-engineering in which you can take the first two or three years of your program at Lindenwood and complete the remainder of your degree in your chosen engineering specialty at an affiliated university. Engineering programs typically require completion of a core of courses in chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics. The Pre-Engineering Program at Lindenwood University provides those core courses.
Missouri Tech
Bachelor of Science w inżynierii oprogramowania
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
W kampusie
Język angielski
Celem tego programu jest opracowanie naukowe, społeczne i techniczne umiejętności uczniów, aby mogli skutecznie działać w programista analityk, zarządzania projektami i innych pokrewnych kariery. Po ukończeniu studiów studenci otrzymają dyplom licencjata
Missouri Tech
Bachelor of Science w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa administracji sieci
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
W kampusie
Język angielski
Celem programu Network Administracja Bezpieczeństwa jest zapewnienie studentom połączenie wiedzy, praktyczne doświadczenia i zastosowanie teorii do technologii informatycznych. Program dotrzymuje kroku zmieniającej się technologii, oferując
Lindenwood University
Theatre (BFA) with Stage Management Emphasis
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
The Theatre (BFA) with Stage Management Emphasis prepares you for a career in theatre, dance, and opera through a progression of theatrical coursework and practical stage management experiences combined with professional mentorships outside of the university. If the on-stage life isn’t your style but you still love the theatre, a Theatre (BFA) with Stage Management Emphasis includes courses covering technical theatre, directing, lighting design, sound design, and stagecraft. The degree requires 66 credit hours and working on several productions and rehearsals.
Lindenwood University
Theatre (BFA) with Musical Theatre Emphasis
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
The Theatre (BFA) with Musical Theatre Emphasis will prepare you for a performance career in theatre. Through the course of the program, you will develop as an artist through an intense integration of theatre, dance, and music. The program is intended to challenge and prepare you to enter this challenging field. The course of study for a Theatre (BFA) with Musical Theatre Emphasis requires 81 credit hours. You will learn in areas of musical theatre such as musical theatre dance, stage voice, and acting the song. All aspects of musical theatre are covered in this degree, as you will also study tap, voice, piano, and more. A degree in musical theatre will open the following career paths: Actor, community arts worker, dancer, music therapist, theatre director, and many more.
Missouri Tech
Bachelor of Science w dziedzinie technologii informatycznych
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Pełny etat
W kampusie
Język angielski
Celem tego programu jest zapewnienie studentom połączenie wiedzy, praktyczne doświadczenia i zastosowanie teorii do technologii informatycznych. Program podąża za zmianę technologii i praktyk biznesowych związanych
Lindenwood University
Therapeutic Recreation (BS)
- Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
Licencjat w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych (BSc)
Pełny etat
4 lat
W kampusie
Język angielski
The Therapeutic Recreation program provides a firm foundation of classes and hands-on learning experiences designed to help you develop skills in assessment, planning, programming, leadership, and evaluation. The coursework and classroom learning experiences prepare you to sit for the CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist) credential administered through the NCTRC (National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification).
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Licencjat Programy w Saint Charles, Stany Zjednoczone
USA pozostają najpopularniejszym na świecie kierunkiem dla studentów międzynarodowych. Uniwersytety w USA dominują w światowych rankingach, a kraj ten oferuje również szeroki wybór ekscytujących miejsc do studiowania. Państwowe systemy uniwersyteckie są częściowo dotowane przez rządy stanowe i mogą mieć wiele kampusów rozrzuconych po całym stanie, z setkami tysięcy studentów.
Licencjat 's podany jest do studentów, którzy spełniają niezbędne wymagania podane przez uniwersytecie lub college'u są prowadzącego. Wymagania to od trzech do siedmiu lat ostrości na obiekcie, zazwyczaj określane jako główny lub koncentracji.